As one
I will pour out my Spirit (Joel 2:28)
When searching for an explanation of what God had done at Pentecost, Peter turned to Joel and to these verses. There was no darkened sky, no blood and fire, no dreadful day of the Lord. The event which prompted Peter's confidence that Joel held the key was low key. The disciples of Jesus spoke in tongues that could be understood in the local language of everyone present. The sign of the outpouring of God's Spirit on his people was God speaking personally and directly through his people to the whole world. And the message was this: call on the name of the Lord and be saved.
Last night we celebrated VE Day. In our street, we had a party. We kept our 6 feet gaps (though without anyone holding a measuring tape) but we were out together as friends and neighbours. Tea at 4 pm, BBQ at 6 pm, chat at every pm. It felt like we were part of a much bigger event, not just national but international. Then at 8 pm I had a family online get together to celebrate my brother's birthday and my other USA resident brother told us that the day had passed there without any acknowledgement.
So little of what we do crosses borders, so little is truly international and truly local at the same time. The good news about Jesus is. In every country around the world you will find locals worshipping Christ in their own language. The Holy Spirit is unchained by borders and culture. For when the Spirit comes you will hear prophecy, will see wonders, will meet many who turn to the Lord and are set free.
Oddly the virus is another. It has also broken borders and crossed continents. It has exposed the fragility of the barriers we put up to each other. Just as it has forced us to be socially distanced so it has reminded us that we are all one humanity. So when we are looking for a way to celebrate it's demise, when we feel confident we have it under at least some control, let's pick a universal day to remember the lost and give thanks for those who have worked so hard and risked so much.
Thank you George. I have only just been able to read your message etc. I am very thankful that you are doing this for yourself and for us. I totally agree that once this is all over, we should have a National and hopefully International Day to remember all those who lost their lives to this Pandemic, whether Frontline workers or Patients in hospitals and care homes. They say however, that the virus may return from time to time, just like the flu'. So it may never be quite over. We'll have to trust in God that in future, it will be milder versions of the virus than we have seen this year.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes, Kathy