Seeing further
I will gather all nations (Joel 3:2)
You may have missed the article in the New York Times entitled In a Crisis, True Leaders Stand Out but it is worth a read. In it the editorial board carefully suggest some keys to effective communication and compassionate leadership during this crisis. It is careful and clear and makes some good points. What the writers don't do is deal in any depth with any leaders from Asia, or the Middle East, or Africa. Pretty much everyone held up for praise is, well, white (and female but that's another story). This is odd as many or even most of the countries who have had significant success in dealing with the virus are from other parts of the world.
I suspect that this is more parochial than racist, but it does throw up an interesting question. What are the limits of our vision? With our worlds shrunk to the walls of our houses and apartments and the width of the streets or fields around us, it may be a good time to reflect on the narrowness of our own vision of God's world and mission.
I don't like to give free advertising but I have become a Zoom user. Not an addict but certainly an adherent. I have Zoom Lay Pastoral Assistant training on Mondays. Zoom home group meeting on Thursdays. Last Sunday I led Zoom church with around 60 gathering from their homes. We had a Zoom family celebration for my brother's birthday, Zoom pub quizzes, Zoom visits to grandparents, Zoom school for my youngest son. Well, you get the picture. But that's my point. The pictures. Pretty much everyone (and I apologise if you're the exception) is white and have English as their first (and usually only) language. Even in a world where there are no limits on who I could meet or where they could live, my company is all from the same narrow grouping as the NYT article's list of leaders.
So here's my challenge for the week. Find a way to do a Zoom meeting that crosses borders, and I don't just mean those arbitrary national ones that do little to stretch our vision. Can I Zoom with my fellow pastors in Africa or South Korea or Southern India. Maybe all I need to do is Zoom with my friends from the Keralan church just down the road. It'd be a start. Will you join me?
A warm day in Japan |
Count me in. I'm all for widening my horizons.